The Big Picture

What to expect from CHDV 195

The goal after taking this course is to become a mentor to a student, a peer, or a colleague. There is a lot that goes into creating these powerful; relationships and one that becomes quite valuable in the field.  Take time to reflect and nurture your understanding of the role you are meant to have.

Week 1: Getting Started

Week 2: Relationship-Based Professional Learning

Week 3: Building Professional Relationships w/Adults

Week 4: Building Professional Relationships w/Adults

Week 5: Communication to Support Teacher Awareness

Week 6: Communication to Support Teacher Awareness

Week 7: Adult Learning & Planning for Teacher Development

Week 8: Adult Learning & Planning for Teacher Development

Week 9: Readiness for Change and Learning Through Inquiry

Week 10: Coaching to Connect 

Week 11: Supervisors & Teacher Leaders

Week 12: Supervisors & Teacher Leaders

Week 13: Mentoring & Leadership

Week 14: Mentoring & Leadership

Week 15: The Mentor-Teacher Process

Week 16: Review, Reflect & Final

Aim to have all of your assignments done within 24 hours before they are due. Why? Because life happens and when you wait until the last minute, you're more likely to have problems meeting due dates. Have patience and a sense of humor with technology. Ask for help when you need it, and assist others when possible. If you identify a challenge in meeting a due date, contact me right away to ensure you don't get overwhelmed by unfinished work. I am willing to be flexible.

Please feel free to utilize the Student Lounge to share resources, events, and/or advocacy opportunities. Together we can make a change. 

Observation & Assessment

Palomar College

Adult Supervision & Mentoring

Palomar College

Practicum in Early Childhood

Palomar College