Palomar College  Resources

We've got you covered!

Faculty (including me), counselors, student tutors, and more are ready to help you reach your educational goals. We can help you with your course schedule, choosing classes, finding student aid, studying skills, locating and using sources for an essay--you name it, we have someone who can help. To locate the service you need, see the services listed below. Don’t see what you’re looking for? No problem. Just contact Student Resources.

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What's my role?

As your course instructor, I am your first contact for help you need in this course. If something doesn't make sense, sounds confusing, or you'd just like more information, let me know. Use that Canvas Inbox we talked about. If you're having difficulty using Canvas, let me know. But if Canvas stops working for some reason or you're experiencing technical issues, please see Canvas Assistance below.

Students with disabilities who may need academic accommodations (e.g. test accommodations), interpreting/captioning, academic and disability management counseling, etc. are encouraged to discuss their authorized accommodations (listed on an official Academic Accommodation Letter provided to the student) from the Disability Resource Center (DRC) with their professors. Students should provide timely notice of the authorized accommodation(s) to the professor to allow sufficient time for the accommodation(s) to be implemented. The faculty member will work with the DRC Office to ensure that proper accommodations are made.

Students seeking to apply for and request disability-related accommodations are invited to contact the DRC at (760) 593-7230, stop by the DRC office in the DSPS building, or visit the DRC page.

Canvas Assistance

If this is your first time using Canvas, you may want to become a little more familiar with how the system works before we dive into taking a class! It's important to start off on the right foot, and Canvas offers many helpful tips and tutorials to not only get us started but help to get the most out of the course management system. The tutorial videos can be viewed in any order.

Even if you think you're ready, I highly recommend watching the tutorials for a quick review. Mastery can be found at the intersection of talent and effort! 

The Office of Student Affairs, (760) 744-1150 x2594, can connect you to resources assisting with food, housing, and more, including the Anita and Stan Maag Nutrition Center and other free food events. Visit the website for a full list of available community resources. If you feel comfortable doing so, please communicate with your instructor about any food or housing insecurity you may be facing that may impact your performance in class.

As a student, there may be times when personal and social stressors interfere with your academic performance and/or negatively impact your daily life. Please know that Palomar College Health Services offers personal counseling sessions. Please call 760.891.7531 or email them directly at  

In a crisis situation, or after hours, call Campus Police at 760.891.7273 or 6911 from an on-campus phone, the San Diego Access and Crisis Line at 888.724.7240, or the Crisis Text Line by texting “COURAGE” to 741741.

Palomar College offers a variety of support programs for all students. There are both academic and non-academic support services, resources, and financial assistance. If you are in need, please don't hesitate to reach out. We are here to help you succeed in college and in life.

Child Development Department Solidarity Statement

The Child Development Department at Palomar College supports our BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) students and colleagues and stands in solidarity with contemporary movements in raising awareness of widespread systemic racism and discrimination, as well as the Call to Action for Palomar College. As faculty and staff in the CHDV Department, we commit to continuing to work on addressing the needs of our students and community by maintaining individual and collective work towards the goal of anti-racism. We prioritize the values of combating systemic racism and preventing marginalization and oppression while reflecting and taking action on working towards a more just future for all children. By committing to embedding anti-racist practices into our coursework, we commit to improving the education of future early childhood educators and ensuring that our programs support the excellence of our BIPOC students.

We at Palomar College take pride in our gender, sexual, religious, ethnic, and racial diversity.  We do not tolerate hate of any kind on campus, and we especially condemn in the strongest possible terms the intolerance and mistreatment of those who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or questioning.  Embrace all differences!

Leaders become great not because of their power, but because of their ability to empower others. — John Maxwell

Other resources include:

Academic Success & Equity Programs

Observation & Assessment

Palomar College

Preparation for CHDV Majors

Palomar College

Practicum in Early Childhood

Palomar College