The Big Picture
What to expect from CHDV 99
This core online course will prepare you to successfully complete Child Development coursework at the 100 level and higher.
Did you know that the Child Development Department at Palomar College is one of the most successful and comprehensive programs on campus? Our department offers six Associate of Science degrees, two transfer degrees (AA-T/AS-T), and eight Certificates of Achievement in Child Development, and prepares students for employment as infant/toddler teachers, preschool teachers, family child care providers, directors, elementary school teachers, and other child development careers.
Week 1: CHDV Certificates, Degrees, and Advising
Orientation Module (must complete to officially be enrolled)
Week 2: Writing Papers: APA Format and Avoiding Plagiarism
Module 2
Formative Assessment
Summative Assessment
Week 3: Writing Papers: APA Format and Avoiding Plagiarism
Module 3
Formative Assessment
Summative Assessment
Week 4: Tips and Resources for Student Success
Module 4
Course Wrap-Up and Completion
Module 4
Formative Assessment
Each week, we will have 2 hours of instructional material. Instructional material will consist of online lectures, multimedia resources, and scholastic articles. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or need assistance.